She really has Angel Hands!
I can not recommend Sherry enough. She has helped me to overcome issues that I have been holding onto for years and years. My physical well being has been uplifted more than I can ever imagine. If I could afford it I’d go visit her every day.
Sherry is highly professional. She promises and she delivers. She is a therapist and confidant. She truly is an Angel on earth.
Even after your first session with Sherry you leave knowing that you are a changed person. She is a wonderful addiction. As Sherry would say “she’s just yummy”
Bob Frame
I must tell you that today’s session was out of bounds. everything was great like the last times, but the massage, especially to my injured side was amazing. Sherry was awesome and knew what to do at every twist. I have not had that side worked on before so thoroughly. I hope she will work on me again some time. She was telling me she deals with trauma issues so was able to pin point some things in me.
Bob Frame at VET TRIIP, SA, TX
I have worked with about a dozen massage therapists over the past 10 years and I must say that Sherry is the best I have ever come across. Her experience and knowledge really make a difference. I highly recommend Sherry for anyone regardless of your health or personal situation she can help you.
Craniosacral therapy (CST) or cranial-sacral therapy, cranial osteopathy, and cranial therapy are forms of bodywork or alternative therapy using therapeutic touch to manipulate the synarthrodial joints of the cranium. (Read more…)